Thank you featuring my post! I chuckled a bunch of times while reading as I could imagine each image you described! In some ways the stereotypes of Miami reminds me of Dubai but a whole other different version :-D . I recall how living in Northeast US had me wear more sweatshirts and I did find it liberating to not care about image as much as I have to here in Dubai. I had never thought about it being linked with invisibility. In a way I can see invisibility going both ways as I notice some in Dubai worry about standing out if they are not "fitting in" with the upper middle or upper class lifestyle.

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Thank you, Reema! Yes, I agree that this concept can be extended to the class discourse. I've never been to Dubai, but I can picture what you mean. Such an interesting parallelism!

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Miami actually caused a bit of an awakening for me too, a long time ago. I went to college in Philadelphia and solo road tripped down there because it was raining and I was sad. In South Beach, I ate dinner in a restaurant alone for the first time, despite the hostess looking at me awkwardly and even more awkwardly, sitting me next to the only other person eating alone. I also met a random lady at a bar and she told me: if you wait for other people (to travel or do anything), you’ll be waiting forever. It was a foundational experience that gave me the courage to step out alone rather than follow in the footsteps laid before me. Funny how all the ostentation can end up awakening something more real. Loved reading this ♥️

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What a coincidence that Miami ended-up being a wake-up call for you too! Thanks for sharing your experience, the lady you met was so right. Realizing that same thing at a relatively young age allowed me to live experiences I would have never lived had I waited for someone to join me in one of my trips. Also, a solo road trip from Philly to Miami sounds pretty badass! 🔥😎

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I can feel your energy while reading this, and it’s inspiring! It’s hard to put yourself out there when you feel like you’re stuck in a rut or stagnant or uninspired (I know the feeling well 😂), but that first step leads to the second, and the third, and the fourth…

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Thank you, Anna!! 💥 I agree with you, and your words have been such a nice encouragement as I started this process!

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🥹 this makes me very happy, and very excited for you!

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I love how inspired you are in this post! I have only been to the Miami airport but I can imagine what it is like!

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Thank you, Sarah!!! However, given the topic of your newsletter and recalling an old comment of yours about not liking big cities, I don't think it's a place you would enjoy haha 😄😄

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oh no i would hate it haha! but i could probably do two days max!

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